Six Important Things to Add to Your “To-Do” List

...ed. Slow down. How, you ask? Well, if you’re anything like the rest of the TWAMP population, you are taking 21 credits, juggling

Writer’s ‘Blo’g healthy and more helpful than just attempting to push through. Take time to clear your mind, maybe even have some fun and

First Week and First Thoughts

...t really drew me in because one of my favorite things to study at college (TWAMP, I know) is foreign aid effectiveness and

What’s to Come in the Spring Timey Wimey

...ty Engagement Fellows, two of whom I directly supervise. It’s probably the TWAMP in me, but any chance to learn how to do

An Ode to Finals Season

...pite not knowing either party, I know that the third floor is reserved for TWAMPs (Typical William And Mary Person) to pretend to

The DC Experience /// Site Visits pt. 2

... sharing his life story with us, beginning with his humble beginnings as a TWAMP (Class of 1985) – a Government major, Yates

Welcome Class of 2015!

...below and I would love to answer anything you want to know. See you on Saturday for Admitted Students Day! Your fellow TWAMP,

The Finals Countdown

Finals– two syllables that strike fear into the hearts of every TWAMP on campus, sending us running straight into the arms of

October 2011

...rtnight), and I believe I may have started to begin the evolution in every TWAMP’s life when sleep starts to cease. When I