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“That’s too long of a name for such a little baby,” my grandmother remarked when she learned my name was Elizabeth. I think my

A Penguin in a Rainstorm Enjoys Some Charcuterie

An egg, initially new and unaware but cracked open and slowly understanding what’s around me A squirrel, running around campus seeking new opportunities A

Traipsing across the Piedmont: A Day Trip thru Geology and History

The W&M Geology Departmental Spring field trip left the Atlantic Coastal Plain last Sunday morning for a quick dash westward into the Piedmont: a

Jamestown and Geodiscovery

Jamestown Island is a low patch of ground in southeastern Virginia that’s witnessed its share of American history. Settler colonists arrived from England in

Eras (Elizabeth’s Version)

The Office of Community Engagement just concluded our “Year of Transformation” focused on discerning how we want to evolve our approach to partnerships, relationships,

From Ideas to Impact: GRI’s Founding Research Labs Celebrate 20 Years

By Martha Reilly Good ideas can come from anywhere. Twenty years ago, they came from the Green Leafe Cafe, where Brad Parks’s honors thesis

Aground on the Hampton Bar with the Sea Making a Fair Breach

200 years ago this month, in early April 1823, a ship foundered and sunk onto a shallow sand bar in Hampton Roads, Virginia. On

William & Mary Returns to Oman

In January 2020, I co-led the William & Mary study abroad program to Oman (commonly known as Rock Music Oman). As we returned home

Crabtree Falls and Landscape Disequilibrium in Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains

Back in October, early on a Saturday morning my Earth’s Surface Processes students loaded into vans and we headed west to the Blue Ridge