Technology - All Posts

Student Research on Previously Undiscovered Cloning Processes: Interview with Erin-Darby McClain

Student researcher: Erin-Darby McClain Lab professor: Dr. Jon Allen Department/topic: Biology/Marine ecology Participant as of: September 2019 Fun fact from research: “Mantis shrimp are

Finding Myself in a Foreign Place: Navigating Data, Politics, and Identity

By Matt Crittenden ’21 Summer Fellow Cohort 2019 CheckMySchool, Manila, Philippines Seventy-five days later and I can confidently navigate four connecting flights and 30+ hours

Gladiator Games over the James

The Gladstone Gladiators have spent the past two months dividing their time between geological field research in central Virginia and lab research in the

Coding for the Sustainable Development Goals in Rome – A Summer Fellow Internship

By Lauren Hobbs ’19 Walking into work on my first day, I stopped and stared at the United Nations flag waving above me, and

Internship Finish Line: What’s Next?

The Aspiring Scientist Summer Internship Program at George Mason University teaches students scientific writing, creative thinking, and specialized technologies. Workshops and Inventors’ Club provide

Internship Finish Line: Update 2

One week later, my internship will conclude with a poster session on the morning of August 10th. My poster is now available below for

Internship Finish Line: Update 1

Well, it has been over a month since I have begun my internship at George Mason. This week and the next, I am finalizing

Internship: 95% Loaded

This Friday, I will be off to orientation for my very first internship at George Mason University’s Manassas Campus. Finally, I can picture myself

#WMDigitalDC (DCSI-NM) 3: Hey Alexa, Don’t Take Over the World

I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords. All jokes and Simpsons quotes aside, one of the main discussion points in the second week