Movie Throwback

So… last week I watched Mr. Deeds with my family and it made me realize that I had forgotten how hilarious this movie was.  Some may think I’m corny for liking this movie but hey it’s a classic in my book. I thought I would share with you the top five funny moments from Mr. Deeds.  This is for those who have seen it and forgot the hilarity and for those who have not seen it and will after this.

5.     Emilio: The hideousness of that foot will haunt my dreams forever.

Deeds: Oh, yeah.  I’ve heard that before.

4.     Deeds: It’s hard to soar with eagles when you are surrounded by turkeys

3.     Crazy Eyes: Who’re your friends?

Deeds: This is Chuck and Cecil, they’re visiting from New York.

Crazy Eyes: I don’t like them.

2.     Deeds: I love you completely with all my soul, without you I am a butterless roll.

1.     Crazy Eyes: I wasn’t talking to you, Deeds. I was talking to that squirrel over there.

[Points at a goat]

In context the quotes are even more hilarious and I was still laughing when I read the quotes again. So if you are just chilling before school starts, rent Mr. Deeds, kick back, and laugh! 🙂

Categories: Arts & Culture, Student Blogs

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