All Freshman Applications Received

We Admit It!  As of last week we had successfully downloaded and processed all freshman Common Applications submitted for Fall 2014!  Whew.  14,000 plus applications later that’s a relief!

What does that mean for applicants?

  • We have downloaded every freshman application submitted through Common App and uploaded it to our system
  • Every freshman applicant and their parents should have received an initial email from W&M letting them know their application has been received
    • Remember to check your spam/junk folders for these emails
  • This initial email also includes a W&M ID number.  Please include that ID number on any communications you send to us regarding your application
  • If you believe you submitted an application to W&M and haven’t received an email from us, please follow up by phone or email (

This does not mean that all applications are complete.  We are still working to complete over 2000 applications, which is very typical.  It just takes time to sort through multiple documents submitted on behalf of over 14,000 individual students.  You and your parents will receive another email when we complete your application.  Or, if we are missing any materials, we will email you, the applicant, to let you know what’s missing (generally an application fee or standardized test score) and how to submit it to us.  Just follow up in a timely manner and we’ll be happy to review your application for regular decision.

This is a major milestone in the application cycle.  And it means Committee isn’t too far away.  Stay tuned for some “Overheard in Committee” blogs towards the end of the month.

Wendy Livingston ’03, M.Ed. ‘09
Associate Dean of Admission

Categories: Admission, Faculty & Staff Blogs Tags: , ,
  1. LaureenMT
  2. Admit It!
  3. Rebecca Padersky
  4. Flori
  5. Admit It!
  6. Karan Tibrewal
  7. Admit It!
  8. Chelsea
  9. Karan Tibrewal
  10. Admit It!
  11. Admit It!
  12. Karan Tibrewal
  13. Admit It!
  14. Karan Tibrewal
  15. Ashley Woods
  16. Out of state RD
  17. Admit It!
  18. Out of state RD
  19. StillHope
  20. Admit It!
  21. StillHope
  22. Michael Podesta
  23. Admit It!
  24. Deferred Student
  25. Admit It!
  26. Alison G
  27. Admit It!
  28. Alison G
  29. Admit It!
  30. Joan M
  31. Admit It!
  32. Mary Grace
  33. Admit It!

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