senior research - All Posts

Tall tales from a rock named Baby Blue

By Olivia Pearson ’21 Some 550 to 500 million years ago, in what would become central Virginia, a suite of sediments was deposited in

From the Tunnel to the Temple

The W&M Geology Department’s spring field trip dashed out of Williamsburg on Saturday for a one-day jaunt from the Tunnel to the Temple. The

Working in a Winter Wonderland: The Gravity of the Situation (Part 2)

Last summer I reported on our field research in the High Plateaus of Utah. Erika Wenrich’s senior thesis project involves a gravity survey aimed

Glimpses of the Past: The Rockfish Conglomerate

My family has a tradition of going camping about once per semester.  Back in the spring of 2011, as the Appalachians were beginning to

Summer Research: Introducing the Wayne WonderMonkeys

As I noted in my last post our summer geologic field research took us to the Beehive State. Our work is primarily focused on

Senior Moments

The spring semester is rushing towards its conclusion. Classes have ended, final exams are underway, and graduation is just over a week away.  The