Popcorn and M&Ms

Popcorn and M&Ms. The combination sounded gross to me at first when my next door neighbor Sarah brought them into my room for a movie night freshman year. “I’m addicted,” she told me calmly. I sat there thinking that this was like the combination of french fries dipped in Wendy’s frosties which I still think is gross. Up for trying new things, however, I extended my hand to give it a shot. The first bite didn’t taste very good…it was ok, but by the second bite I was hooked. Sarah and I bonded over popcorn and M&Ms. It seems random, but that’s the kind of thing that happens on your freshman hall. Her addiction has now spread to me and our other roommate Kayla, and the three of us are now practically unable to sit down to a movie without a bag of popcorn and M&Ms with us.

I mentioned that this is the kind of thing that happens on your freshman hall and its true. There is no predicting what will happen on any particular night in a freshman hall at William and Mary…whether it is a spontaneous philisophical discussion on the state of America’s education system or a Grey’s Anatomy viewing in the smallest room on the hall. Freshman halls truly bond at William & Mary. My hall went to dinner together every night and hung out on random nights as a group, but we also all got involved in separate things and brought our diverse interests back to the hall–getting everyone excited about our activities. We all went to each other’s performances and sports games and helped each other with schoolwork when one of us was having trouble. Dorm life freshman year was one of the best parts of my transition to college simply because of the people you get to meet and become friends with.

Categories: Campus Life, Student Blogs

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