Those Yellow Shirts…Again

Favorite Orientation Aide memories that weren’t included in the first post. It just wouldn’t be a complete picture without these too:

-The feeling when the first OA baby messages you with a question on Facebook.

-Matching flaming bandanas for the entire staff.

-5 a.m. Dunkin Donuts trips.

-The Crim Dell. Ahem.

-Monthly staff dinners long after Orientation week.

-Cheers made up to entire verses and the chorus of “Drop It Like It’s Hot,” complete with chroeography.

-Having the discussion where you decide to drop the terms “OA” and “OA baby” and use the word “friend” instead.

-When OA babies become your best friends.

-Improv ghost tours and s’mores mixers.

-Train wreck.

-Making a fool of yourself to Snackbar Jones…along with all the other insane people in yellow.

-Events in the Lake Matoaka Amphitheatre.

-Cancelling the Baskin Robbins mixer and going there with your staff instead.


Categories: Student Blogs, Traditions & Events

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