Skyler Paltell

Skyler Paltell
  • Hometown: Baltimore, MD
  • Major(s): English
  • Archived Blogger

About Skyler Paltell

Skyler Paltell graduated in 2015 from William & Mary with a degree in English. During her undergraduate years, Skyler was involved in Greek Life, Residence Life, and the Admission Office, and could usually be found somewhere around Lake Matoaka.

After graduation, Skyler moved to Colorado to begin a career in college admission at Colorado College, a small, highly selective liberal arts college in Colorado Springs, CO. Though she loves her job and the adventures that post-graduate life brings, Skyler misses W&M every day and hopes to soon return.

Posts by Skyler Paltell

The Finals Countdown

Finals– two syllables that strike fear into the hearts of every TWAMP on campus, sending us running straight into the arms of Swem, or

Just Do You

As I’m sitting here in Swem for the fifth night in a row, procrastinating on a paper I should have started yesterday, I’m thinking

Raise the Green and Gold

As almost every William & Mary student and alum knows, this weekend marked Homecoming 2013, that long-awaited event each year in which alums old

25 Ways You Know It’s the End of the Spring Semester

It’s that time of the year again: the last week of classes, the final push before the warmth and relative freedom of summer. Whether

It Comes and Goes in Waves (Homesickness)

Several weeks ago I wrote about my desire to have fun and enjoy the college experience, but this post addresses another side to college

Quotes and YOLO

“That one may walk in beauty, discover the serenity of the quiet moment, and dispel the shadows.” So goes the quote on the plaque


Rain. No new semester is complete without three consecutive days of rain. Frankly, I’m ready for it to either snow A LOT or just

Walking Backwards

Today I was casually giving a tour, walking backwards as usual, when a car almost hit me. I was crossing Jamestown Road at the

Hurrication 2.0

As I’m blogging I’m sitting in front of the fireplace at home and watching cheesy Lifetime movies with my cat. No, it is not