Katie LeCornu

Katie LeCornu
  • Class of 2016
  • Hometown: Austin, TX
  • Major(s): Economics & Business
  • Archived Blogger

About Katie LeCornu

Hey! My name is Katie LeCornu and I’m part of the Class of 2016. I’m from Austin, Texas, but have learned to make my “home” in many places. I was an economics and business major, with a guilty pleasure for history.

Around campus, I was involved in community service and AidData. You would often find me roaming around Colonial Williamsburg or exploring Matoaka Woods. I believe the campus is full of magic, and I still get goosebumps walking near the Wren Building.

William & Mary opened so many doors for me, and I’m excited to see the direction it leads me in the future.

Posts by Katie LeCornu

The Adventure Comes to an End

The last two weeks of my internship were eye-opening. We visited with Grameen affiliates – companies or non-profits that set out to help the

When in doubt, eat a mango!

The past few weeks in Bangladesh have been full of culture, rainy villages, and adventures! My second weekend here, I went with a group

Getting Acquainted with Bangladesh

After a rough start, I’ve settled into life in Bangladesh quite well. At first I was miserable. A friend called it “culture shock”, and

Embarking on a Terrifying Journey

Making plans for the summer seems to be one of the toughest parts of college. With pressure from your parents to get a job,

The Power of Teamwork: How I Know I’m Heading Down the Right Career Path

When I was in high school (and up to this point in college) all my school work had been rather lonely. In high school,

Whirlwind to the End

I can’t believe this is the last week of classes. Together, the students in our program have grown into young professionals and learned things

The Best of Both Worlds

As stated in my bio, I’m a Texas resident. When I got ready to apply to college, I wasn’t interested in the schools in

Are we really already halfway done?

Whew! What a hectic few weeks: broken governments, broken garbage disposals, and broken hearts when we saw our midterm grades. I guess I’ll start

Parents Weekend and Ted Cruz

This past weekend was Parents Weekend! My mom flew in on Thursday night, and we met for dinner after class. On Friday morning, I