Admit It!

Admit It!
  • True Confessions from W&M's Admission Officers
  • Archived Blogger

About Admit It!

Fascinated by the college admission process? Intrigued by how it can seem complicated, mysterious and confusing? Read past blog posts for musings, recollections and insights into William & Mary the institution and William & Mary’s admission process.

Some posts are silly. Some are serious. Some are sentimental. All of them are designed to help you navigate your way through the college search and application process.

Learn more about Undergraduate Admission.

Posts by Admit It!

Overheard in Committee: Interview Impact

We Admit It!  It’s that time of year again.  That time when we lock ourselves in our conference rooms, hunker down with a three-tiered

All Freshman Applications Received

We Admit It!  As of last week we had successfully downloaded and processed all freshman Common Applications submitted for Fall 2014!  Whew.  14,000 plus

Admit It! Gets Personal

I Admit It!  This is probably the first time this blog has begun with a personal instead of a plural pronoun (something faithful readers

Regular Decision Processing Update

We Admit It!  We are almost there.  To date, we have downloaded almost all of our Regular Decision freshman applications.  That means almost every

So What Happens Next?

We Admit It!  Reading season is in full swing.  We know we’ve been talking mostly about receiving and processing applications of late but what

No News is Not Bad News

We Admit It!  Our little application engine that could is still chugging and chugging up that proverbial hill.  While we are making good progress,

The Day After the Deadline

Admit It!  The application deadline has come and gone but some of your application anxiety may still be hanging around.  We understand.  To hopefully

Admission Office’s Holiday Break

We Admit It!  There are many benefits to working for a university; not the least of which is a holiday break.  Our office will

Decisions, Decisions — Spring Transfer Edition

We Admit It!  We are not only done with Early Decision, but as of this evening, we will have completed the spring transfer process