Spring Break in DC? More Like Spring into my Career!

As the DC Spring Break seminars go into full swing, I have found myself in awe of so many of the speakers that have already taken the time to talk to us. Not only have they been interesting and engaging, but they have been so helpful in answering all my professional questions and needs. They really seem to have it all together, and since I don’t, I need all the help I can get!

We started off the program in a low-key way: we went forest bathing. This is a public health intervention that is scientifically proven to reduce stress. We became one with nature as we observed, walked through, and listened to sounds that relaxed us. It was an incredible experience and it was cool to apply a real pubic health intervention to my own life.

On Monday, we started to really dive into public health and health equity. First, we had a class on health policy in order to prepare for a later panel on the same subject (which was amazing and changed my life!), and then we went to Bread for the City, an organization that has played such a pivotal role in health in the city. Not only was this an inspiring organization to visit, but it also opened my eyes to what I could do in the field. I still have so many questions and passions, but visiting Bread for the City helped me clarify that I have a passion for helping impoverished communities.

In addition to all the site visits and panels, we’ve also been having fun! I’ve made so many new friends and have a whole new batch of people to go to for advice about anything – and it has only been the first week. Here’s a picture of us in action (taking the pizza from lunch back to housing for a nice Oscars viewing party snack:

Overall, I have already accomplished my goal of learning more about the public health sector, so I might have to make a new goal. Maybe an internship?

Signing out,
Audrey Trebelhorn

Categories: Academics, Careers, Community Engagement & Service, Student Blogs, Study Away, W&M in Washington

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