Halloween in the ‘burg

Dear readers,

Happy Belated Halloween! As you know Halloween was last week and there’s always tons of fun stuff to do during Halloween at William & Mary. My two favorites: Trick or Treat on the Row, where all the fraternities and sororities on campus get together to give out candy to the local families. And CW Ghost Tours, where you get to hear all the old haunted tales as you stroll through Colonial Williamsburg at night. This town has definitely had some pretty scary true events occur in its day. From being the site of Black Beard’s Pirates trial and execution, to having the first ever public Mental Hospital, and surviving through two of the most deathly wars of all time, both the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, there’s tons of historical knowledge and fun legends to learn! It just goes to show how resilient this town and its residents are. But definitely the best thing about Williamsburg during Halloween is seeing the town and campus community come together to celebrate a universally beloved holiday.

Until next time,
Megan Stumpf ’19

Categories: Campus Life, Community Engagement & Service, Fraternity & Sorority Life, Student Blogs, Traditions & Events, Williamsburg Tags:

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