senior year - All Posts

What’s Your End Game?

As a senior, the one question that people most often ask me is also the one question that I most dread answering: “What are

The List

During my freshman orientation in 2014, all of the incoming students received a checklist of 169.3 things to do at William & Mary. (In

Senior Year Reflections

I spent the other night out late “studying” with a friend who is a fellow transfer student and a fellow senior. I say studying

December 1st, 2010

December 1st, 2014 Exactly four years ago today, I got into William & Mary.  I still remember the electric jolt that ran through my

Dear Class of 2014

Think of your greatest fear. Maybe it’s something tangible, like spiders or snakes. Maybe you’re afraid of the dark or of losing a loved

Settling in again

I’ve been living in my same off-campus house at William & Mary for 2 years now and I’m just starting my senior year here.