selection process - All Posts

Overheard in Committee: Interview Impact

We Admit It!  It’s that time of year again.  That time when we lock ourselves in our conference rooms, hunker down with a three-tiered

Waitlist Update — Some News for Transfers

We Admit It!  It looks like we will be able to activate the transfer waitlist in early June.  We’re still in the process of

Waitlist Update — Some New News, Some Good News

We Admit It!  The waitlist process is far from a standardized one.  It takes a lot of back and forth, a lot of incremental

Waitlist Update — No New News

We Admit It!  May 1 doesn’t necessarily bring an end to the admission cycle and the anxiety that comes with it.  For students on

Committee is Coming, Committee is Coming

We Admit It!  We are hype.  This is the culmination of all of our efforts.  This is where the magic happens.  This is the