How to Succeed in Interviewing

As you may have read, I am one of the 12 Senior Interviewer Interns this summer, and you may only be reading this to see what you can say in your interview to impress me. It’s okay, I understand. And that’s why I’m writing this: to help you out because the more comfortable you are, the more fun the interview will be for both of us!

I know the thought of going through an interview to supplement your application to the College sounds daunting, but it shouldn’t. The interview is the easiest part. It’s the part where you can shine and be you without having to worry about translating who you are into words and numbers. Take advantage of it. This is your chance to show me and to show William and Mary that you are the coolest thing since sliced bread. And you are. I know you are, you’re reading my blog! The interview is the part where you can add that personal touch that’s missing from so many college applications.

You’re probably still worrying. And that’s okay. If you’re anything like I was preparing for my interview (Yes, I took one too!), you’re wringing your hands thinking of what to wear and exactly what to say to impress the super-intimidating college senior. But you shouldn’t.

But because I feel for you and that nervousness is still so close to me, I’ll help you out.

So here’s my pointer. Yes, there’s only one, and no, I’m not kidding.

The key to impressing me on your interview: Be yourself. Yes, that’s it.

Don’t bring me your resume. I want to see you, and you are not a piece of paper – or at least I hope not. I don’t need your stats (President of such and such club, three-time district chess champion – whatever it is, it may matter to someone but doesn’t matter to me). Despite what you may think, your statuses in your various organizations are not who you are. If you’re really passionate about the fundraiser you do for the French Club, feel free to talk about it! But really, all I need to know is what really makes you you. If the highlight of your day is talking to your dog about the homework you have, or if you couldn’t live without a good box of Cheese-Its – tell me! I want the kooky you, the you that you are when you’re home alone and dancing to “Call Me Maybe” even though you told all your friends you hated it. I cut my PB&Js in triangles, I would rather submit to torture than be forced to play a game of mini golf, and I know how to prepare for the zombie apocalypse. These things make me who I am. They also make me strange, weird, obtuse and most of all INTERESTING. Embrace the weird. There’s a little bit in all of us, and the best way to impress me is to show me you are the only you I will ever meet.

Categories: Admission, Student Blogs

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