Charter Day - All Posts

Busy for 318 Years Old

This is a busy week for William and Mary and for me, and I want to share some of the highlights because if there

Charter Day Finale

As my last Charter day approaches, I have reflected on William and Mary’s 318 year history. The history that hides in its walls despite

Happy Birthday W&M

Admit It! Tradition is one of the many things that attracts you to William & Mary.  From Convocation to Yule Log to Commencement, William &

The Music of Charter Day

For me, William and Mary has been especially rewarding not because of the things I have accomplished in the classroom, but rather the activities

Rep. Eric Cantor at Charter Day

In a few weeks, on February 4, Rep. Eric Cantor, the new Majority Leader of the U.S. House, will be the main speaker and

Who knew?

I learned just a few minutes ago that the official name for Rogers 100 is ISC 1127. Not that I ever expect to hear