Samantha Fien-Helfman

Samantha Fien-Helfman
  • Class of 2009
  • Hometown: Washington, DC
  • Major(s): Marketing & Psychology
  • Archived Blogger

About Samantha Fien-Helfman

I graduated from William & Mary in December of 2009, and was far from ready for the stereotypical, dreaded office job that characterizes post-graduation. A fellow student had told me about Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos, an international nonprofit that provides food, housing, and an education to over 3300 abandoned or children in nine homes throughout Central, South America, and the Caribbean. I was accepted into the Guatemala home and arrived in January 2010 to begin immediate work as an English teacher for 5 classes – ranging in age and level from preschool to 8th grade.

I spent the following 13 months at NPH: a transformational experience both professionally and personally and fell in love with the home and Guatemala. After completing my 13 months at NPH, I decided to embark on a new journey with fellow alumni, Jed Talvacchia (WM ’08) before returning to the States.

Posts by Samantha Fien-Helfman

Fireworks, John Adams & Greg Collins

What better way to celebrate our nation’s birth than in the place where it was actually started? I’ll admit – growing up in Washington

To be or not to be… Lazy

It’s been scorching hot in Williamsburg, the kind of sticky humidity where even days at Yorktown or Jamestown beach are almost unbearable. The school

Professor Clay Sets the Mold

Last night a bunch of the interns, some recent graduates, and Clay Clemens, a WM government professor and chair of the department went to

Celebrity Career

I don’t know how it all happened. One night I’m choreographing dances and charging my parents and grandparents 25 cents to watch… convincing my