Admit It!

Admit It!
  • True Confessions from W&M's Admission Officers
  • Archived Blogger

About Admit It!

Fascinated by the college admission process? Intrigued by how it can seem complicated, mysterious and confusing? Read past blog posts for musings, recollections and insights into William & Mary the institution and William & Mary’s admission process.

Some posts are silly. Some are serious. Some are sentimental. All of them are designed to help you navigate your way through the college search and application process.

Learn more about Undergraduate Admission.

Posts by Admit It!

Better & Betterer

We Admit It!  We LOVE the Ampersandbox.  It’s part spaceship, part viewbook, part interactive ethos.  Just a few weeks ago we debuted Ampersandbox 2.0

Break Out the Number Twos

Admit It!  You are not excited about spending the upcoming Saturday morning at an SAT test center (let’s not even mention how unexcited you

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

I’ll Admit It!  After about 10 seconds of this classic Andy Williams song, it’s obvious that he was singing about the holidays and not

A Second Chance to Make a First Impression

Admit It!  As you begin to put your application together you’re looking for any way to show admission offices who you are.  Not just

Time Out for Transfers is Back

We Admit It!  We took a little time out from the Time Out for Transfers Blog series over the summer, but it’s a new

What Are You Waiting For?

Admit It!  You have a devil and an angel on your shoulder when it comes to completing college applications.  The angel is offering every


I Admit It!  I get pretty into William & Mary traditions (not that the last blog post left any doubt).  Today is Convocation, one

Willkommen, Bienvenue, Welcome

I Admit It!  I get down-right giddy on move-in day.  No doubt every college has new student welcomes and festivities but I think there’s

Admission Tradition

We Admit It!  We take the annual Deans vs. Interviewers Kickball Challenge VERY seriously; some may say too seriously.  To them we say no