Admit It!

Admit It!
  • True Confessions from W&M's Admission Officers
  • Archived Blogger

About Admit It!

Fascinated by the college admission process? Intrigued by how it can seem complicated, mysterious and confusing? Read past blog posts for musings, recollections and insights into William & Mary the institution and William & Mary’s admission process.

Some posts are silly. Some are serious. Some are sentimental. All of them are designed to help you navigate your way through the college search and application process.

Learn more about Undergraduate Admission.

Posts by Admit It!

Overheard in Transfer Committee — It’s Your Turn Transfer Applicants

Admit It! transfers, you’re ready for it to be your turn for all of the committee excitement.  Well that time has come.  We began

One Tribe Y’all

We Admit It!  We’re pretty excited about the upcoming Day for Admitted Students.  Okay, we’re over-the-moon, so-ready-for-the-day-to-get-here, can’t-wait-to-celebrate-the-Class-of-2017, out-of-our-minds enthusiastic.  Saturday can’t get here

Time Out for Transfers — Fall Transfer Applicant Status Update

We Admit It!  It’s been a bit of time between transfer-related blogs.  We apologize.  But now that the freshman process is a wrap, our

Decisions, Decisions — Regular Decision Edition

We Admit It!  At times we felt like this day might never come.  You probably felt similarly.  But the day has in fact come;

Decisions, Decisions — Deny Edition

You can Admit It!  This stinks.  (You are welcome to substitute other words for stinks that are inappropriate for us to proffer in this

Decisions, Decisions — Waitlist Edition

It’s okay to Admit It.  You’re disappointed.  You’re frustrated.  You’re confused.  We totally get it.  You are in fact an amazingly accomplished young man

Decisions, Decisions — Admitted Edition

Admit It!  You’re thrilled (or at least we hope you are).  Good Things indeed.  Whether W&M is at the top of your list or

Overheard in Committee — The Throes of Laughter

We Admit It!  Committee can wear on us.  We’re human, and this is a very human process.  Committee can make us tired, frazzled, bleary-eyed,

Overheard in Committee — More Good Conversations

Admit It!  These blogs are kind of addictive (both for the readers and the author).  Committee is in many ways similar.  It allows us