Erin Spencer - All Posts

But seriously…what is the Griffin?

I’m going to be totally honest- I had no idea what a Griffin was before I came to William and Mary. But to be

If I had know then what I know now I would have….relaxed.

Figuring out where you’re going to spend the next four years of your life can be intimidating, to say the least. Between tours, interviews

Sometimes you have to learn the hard way.

From the minute you begin to think about applying to college, you are bombarded with advice. Older siblings, parents, distant aunts, your 10th grade

Fighting the Sophomore Slump

Sophomore slump (n): an instance in which students in their second year fail to live up to the success achieved during their first year

Orientation: A View from the Other Side

Being an Orientation Aide was far more exhausting than I ever imagined it would be. By the end of it, I had no voice,

Top 5 things I wish I knew as an Incoming Freshman.

5. College is not like a cliché high school comedy. There aren’t bullies trying to push freshmen into lockers. Upperclassmen won’t throw food at

Summer School- it’s more fun than you think.

I’m going to be honest. When all my friends were heading home for summer, I thought I had made a huge mistake signing up for