Admit It!

Admit It!
  • True Confessions from W&M's Admission Officers
  • Archived Blogger

About Admit It!

Fascinated by the college admission process? Intrigued by how it can seem complicated, mysterious and confusing? Read past blog posts for musings, recollections and insights into William & Mary the institution and William & Mary’s admission process.

Some posts are silly. Some are serious. Some are sentimental. All of them are designed to help you navigate your way through the college search and application process.

Learn more about Undergraduate Admission.

Posts by Admit It!

It’s Not Easy Being Green – Admission Committee Season

I’ll let Kermit the Frog demonstrate what our admission team has been up to over the past few months. In other words, we’ve been

William & Mary Goes Live

We Admit It! We realize that while we can provide you with (hopefully) useful information throughout the college search process, the best resource for

Heading Ho-Ho-Home for the Holidays – Admission Office Closed for Winter Break

We Admit It! It’s time for our admission office team to head ho-ho-home for winter break. William & Mary and the Office of Undergraduate

Decisions, Decisions – 2016 Spring Transfer Edition

We Admit It! We know how patiently transfer applicants have been waiting for their admission decisions. As of today, we have completed our spring transfer review

Decisions, Decisions – Early Decision 2016 Edition

We Admit It! The day is finally here. After several weeks of reading applications and committee meetings here in Williamsburg, it is time to officially release

Overheard in Committee: Early Decision Edition Part 2

We Admit It! Thanksgiving break was fantastic. What’s not to like? Family. Friends. Food. It’s one of the best holidays of the year, and those

Overheard in Committee: 2016 Early Decision Edition

We Admit It! The time for Early Decision Committee has arrived. Committee is when our entire dean staff gathers to discuss our many talented Early

Looking Towards the Future

After months of incessant news and media coverage, the day is finally here. Election Day. No matter what political affiliation you happen to have,

Hello, It IS You We’re Looking For

Did I just title a blog post after a Lionel Richie song? Yup. Did this serve any discernible purpose? Surprisingly, also yup. The Admit