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Reflecting on my first/second year

It was always an awkward introduction when someone asked me what year I was. ‘I’m a second year but its my first year at

Summer plans

The end of the school year is quickly approaching and I am procrastinating on my revising for exams by writing about what I am

Things I’m afraid of

Like many students, and people in general, I am scared, even terrified, of many things. Snakes, failure, the deep space. But in the more

Cross Country Skiing – Kind of

Staying involved on two campuses is one of the things I wish I could perfect. Among the few things that makes it hard to

Learning as an experience

It’s been a while, Tribe! In my hiatus I’ve been re-learning my American accent and getting finals and the beginning of the spring semester

My Fraternity Family

One of my favourite academic traditions at St Andrews is the academic family. To briefly describe it: upperclassman students ‘adopt’ freshmen to be their

The Extended Study Abroad Experience

The most common question I get is, ‘So exactly how does the Programme work?’ and it’s a pretty valid question. I didn’t even know