Not Your Typical Summer Job

Well, we’re in week two of interviews here in the Admission Office dungeon, so I feel like I’m now fully authorized to comment on what the blog topic sheet labels “being a summer interviewer.”

I’ve also been asked — during various phone calls home to family and friends — about a million times in the past week about how I’m liking my job. Well, I’m LOVING my job.

I’m excited to wake up every day and hang out with 10 other insane senior interns. I’m excited for the spontaneous dance parties we’ll have in the dungeon, and I’m even MORE excited for the 30 plus pointless group emails we’ll send out before the day is over.

On intern days, I actually love shouting out William & Mary factoids at the top of my lungs to a giant group of tour-goers as I give sweaty tours of our beautiful campus in the disgusting Williamsburg summer heat. I, no question about it, love writing these thrilling blog entries, and again, I love the 30 plus pointless group emails we’ll send out before the day is over.

Interview days: I can’t wait to meet half a dozen excited but nervous 17 year-olds. I can’t wait to hear about the impressive clubs they’ve started, the places they’ve traveled, the dream jobs they want to have, and — my favorite — the fruits they’d be after I ask the “If you had to be any fruit, what would it be?” question. Geez, these kids’ lives are way cooler than mine ever was.

In general, I love that I’m asked at least 7 times a day to tell people why I love William & Mary and what I’ve made of my 3 years here so far. I love that I’m (hopefully successfully) getting prospective students excited about the school I’ve fallen in love with, and then I love that at the end of the day — everyday…and on weekends too, of course — I spend my summer in Williamsburg with friends and interns who are as obsessed with this place as I am.

So how do I like my job?

I can’t imagine a better one for me right now.

And by the way, this isn’t a job. It’s utopia. 🙂

Categories: Admission, Student Blogs

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