In my experience, one of the unofficial requirements of looking at colleges is this: you tell people the schools you are considering and they
In an economy where fewer and fewer employers are hiring, I
am among the lucky group of individuals that is currently seeking
employment. Yep, that's right...I'm
Well, it has undoubtedly been the most interesting start to a semester I have had in all of my time at William and Mary.
grown up at William and Mary. I don't mean just in age...everyone does
that-it can't be helped. I'm talking about maturing...becoming an
adult. The experiences I've
"Have you voted yet?" "Where is your 'I voted' sticker?" Everywhere you turned at William and Mary on November 4th someone was checking in
I'll be the first to admit it--William and Mary students drop everything when they hear the first whisper of a rumor that class offerings
Trust me when I say that there are a lot of people out there who
come to college thinking that they want to be doctors,
So since I am amazingly technologically adept, I managed to delete the post I wrote about the start of the school year. Long story
So it's been a while since I've done an update on Life After D.o.G. Street, my seminar series, but that doesn't mean I haven't