David Aday

David Aday
  • Professor, Sociology and Community Studies
  • Archived Blogger

About David Aday

Professor of Sociology and Community Studies
Reves Fellow for International Service Learning, 2008-2010
Academic Director of Students for Medical Outreach and Sustainability (SOMOS, Paraiso, Dominican Republic) and Medical Aid Nicaragua: Outreach Scholarship (MANOS) .
B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. in Sociology

My teaching and research interests focused on community, the ways in which people live and work together to solve collective problems. This interest emerged over a career of interests in crime, regulatory arrangements and theory, and a deep distrust of hierarchical and coercive strategies of “helping” and “managing” in human affairs. My work in the Dominican Republic and in Nicaragua represented a shift from issues of security and social control to those of health and well-being. I see the two as inherently related and believe that effective communities must find ways to solve these and other persistent and thorny problems. Students taught me much over the years — not the least, the need to continue to learn and to press forward to create and use knowledge. Students are responsible directly for my work in community health and for my involvement in the two most exciting projects (SOMOS and SHC) of my now lengthy career.

Posts by David Aday

There’s a hole in my bucket

Catching up.  What follows is from notes made in the field on March 4, 2012. There is an old Calypso song that tells of

Why a pumpkin squash?

3.2.2012.  The A team traveled through the community, meeting friends and notifying residents about the coming week of medical clinic.  We stop at each of

Pumpkin Squash and Reciprocation; 3/3/12

We are greeted warmly—always and sincerely.  This year, the people of Chaguite seem a little less surpised that we have, in fact, returned.  It

MANOS: A Team, ready to board

3/1/12.  6:00 a.m.  Next stop, Miami; then to Managua; then to Ocotal (ETA 7pm).  The MANOS advance team will travel the last leg via

Kudos: Well done.

We returned from our seventh annual project week in the Dominican Republic on Saturday, January 7th, 2012.  We had met our quota of hugs

Community and Partnership Revisited

With apologies to my SOMOS and DASV colleagues,  I begin this post with an excerpt from a letter I wrote to the team when

Getting there: Gringos off to jail?

Señor Wallace asks us to meet him at the school (where we hold the clinic) at 8:00 a.m. so that we can travel to

Redux: Is it really that hard?

In a post dated July 29, 2008, I posed that question after reading about a non-profit organization that was reportedly bringing electrical power and

Word is out

January 3, 2012.  We are visited by a delegation from the Santo Domingo Norte’s Mayor’s Office.  The medical doctor who directs “community outreach medical