Words from the road.

I am currently sitting in the Comfort Inn in Farmville, VA relaxing before my third college fair of the day.  This week on the road has been a fun week and a great opportunity to get out of the office for a little bit of a change of pace.  As a veteran of the VACRAO (Virginia Associate of College Registrars and Admission Officers) college tour, it was fun to get back on the road and see familiar faces and meet new ones as well.  As much as colleges compete for the same students, admission officers do get along.  After the fairs we go grab lunch or dinner together and share stories of the college fairs we just attended.  I love this week of the tour because tonight is the night where we all go get Mexican food after the fair, then go bowling.  It is a good opportunity to have a good time with colleagues who you will see on the road throughout the year.  I will let you know how well I bowl tonight, but it’s more about meeting students and having a good time with colleagues while out on the road.  We are all staying in the same hotels, eating at the same places, so why not do it together and make new friends and new contacts to share common stories from the road.

– Randy Tripp

Categories: Admission, Faculty & Staff Blogs

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