Waitlist Update — The Process Continues Slowly but Surely

We Admit It!  We wish the waitlist was a fast-moving process.  Unfortunately that is not the case.  It’s definitely a step-by-step, day-by-day process.  As many of you know, we activated the waitlist on May 3 with the intention of making a few select additional offers of admission.  Over the course of several days, we made phone calls to the first wave of admits who the Committee saw as the most competitive students remaining on the waitlist.  Many of those students accepted our offer (because the Tribe is awesome of course, at least in our humble and biased opinion).  Others needed some time to make a decision.  Others, very understandably, had moved on and gotten excited about another institution.

So every day we count new deposits, follow-up with those who have been made an offer off of the waitlist but haven’t responded, determine whether or not anyone who initially committed to W&M is withdrawing their deposit and assess whether or not we need to make additional admission offers.  As we make additional offers we do so on a case-by-case basis; not so much in waves but one offer here, another offer there.  So just because you haven’t heard anything doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t.

We do ask that if you are no longer interested in remaining on our waitlist, please email us at admission@wm.edu and ask that we withdraw your application from consideration.  This helps us to avoid considering any student who no longer remains interested, and therefore makes the process more efficient.  And remember, all students remaining on the waitlist will hear from us via email with a status update in mid-June.

Wendy Livingston ’03, M.Ed. ‘09
Associate Dean of Admission

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